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Case Studies

NPIF Stripes

Investment from the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund has resulted in a number of success stories in the North of England.

Some of these success stories are provided below.

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

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Two men standing in front of 7i poster in an office. Man to the far right is wearing glasses, has severely pockmarked skin and is wearing a blue jacket, white shirt and blue stripey tie. 7i Group Ltd

Alderley Park

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four men in a laboratory in a row. Man at the far left has his hand on the table top and man next to him on the right is holding some equipment. Man at the far right has his hand on the equipment which is placed on the table top. Abingdon Health


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

2 men and a woman sat in a science lab with chemicals on the table in front of them Absolute Antibody


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A man in a science lab wearing personal protective equipment looking into a microscope Acculabs Diagnostics UK Ltd


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Attacom team Actiform


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

2 men and a woman from Additive Manufacturing Technologies stood next to a 3D printer Additive Manufacturing Technologies


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Joseph Crabtree from AMT with Mercia's Will Clark Additive Manufacturing Technologies


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Gareth Hughes Advanced Bacterial Sciences


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

ADI representatives, Sally Abbatt, Bob Gomersall, John Eaglesham and Jonathan Sharp standing outside Advanced Digital Innovation


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Representatives from ADI-l-r-Sally-Abbatt-Bob-Gomersall-John-Eaglesham Advanced Digital Innovation ll


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men in a manufacturing plant. Tall man in the far left is wearing a navy jacket and white shirt, man in the middle has a grey suit on with a matching waistcoat, blue shirt and red tie. The man to the far left is wearing a bright blue suit, white shirt and light blue tie. Advanced Dynamics


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A man in lab coat and safety goggles operating machinery AEV Limited


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Group of four women in factory and one grey haired bearded man in the far left. They are standing around an industrial sink. AFOS


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Representatives from Airship and FW Capital Airship Images Limited

Lytham St. Anne’s

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Airship Interactive Airship Interactive II

Lytham St. Annes

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

5 men from Airship Services Ltd gathered outside of their office building Airship Services Ltd


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

5 men from Airship Services Ltd gathered outside of their office building Airship Services Ltd II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Akula Outdoor Furniture Akula Living Ltd


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three women wearing white lab coats and two men wearing white lab coats. Alderley Analytical

Alderley Science Park

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

At Aldgate Vets Aldgate Veterinary Practice


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Allerton Steel Allerton Steel Ltd


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men in an industrial setting standing next to equipment. Allied Protek Engineering


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Alpha Cards Alpha Card


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Alphagraphics team AlphaGraphics


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

AME group team AME Group


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Shot at AME AME Group II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two woman to right in office and three men all wearing suits. Andel


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The AppLearn team AppLearn


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Seven people in an industrial setting. Lady in the front has long hair and is wearing a black jacket with a maroon dress and directly behind her is a lady with glasses wearing a blue scarf. The remaining people are men. The three men in the front are all holding samples of cheese and one of the two men in the back row is holding a sample of cheese. Appleby Creamery


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

3 men and a woman stood on a balcony with trees in the background Aptus Clinical

Alderley Park

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Five people in a group which includes one woman wearing a black jumper wearing red lipstick seating next to a bearded man to her left wearing a blue stripped jacket, brown cardigan Arquella


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Arquella Arquella II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men holding leaflets shaking hands standing in front of Aru branding. Aru Home Care


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Athlete Factory Athlete Factory


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four people around a table. There is only one woman and she is seated on the far right, the man to the left of the woman is wearing a dark blue suit and has dark hair, the man next to him has grey hair and the final man to the left is seated wearing a dark blue suit. The two men in the middle are standing up. Authenticate


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A screenshot of a video of Paul Marples, the MD of Authenticate talking about NPIF Authenticate – Case Study Video


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

4 men in suits from Avail Technologies stood in front of a Mercedes Benz lorry Avail Technologies


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Matt Eeles Avail Avail Technologies


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Erin Short Avail Avail Technologies II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Steven Rogers from Avail Technologies Avail Technologies III


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men in office, man to far right is wearing blue suit and has grey hair. Avenium Engineering


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A man dressed in protective clothing working in a racking trolley manufacturer AWT International


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Group of six suited men in an office. Three of them perched on leather sofa and other three standing behind the sofa. Azzure IT – Video Case Study


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Portly man wearing black suit standing on grass outside office building. Azzure IT – Video Case Study Two


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A man standing in front of Bar Code Data sign on a wall Bar Code Data Limited


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men standing outside office with Barnsdales signage on building. Man to the far right is wearing a blue suit with a pink shirt and taller man to the left is wearing a grey jacket, blue shirt and a navy trousers. Barnsdales


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Five men in office, two sitting in front of desk surrounded by products and three men standing behind them. Beanies Flavour Coffee


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Bespoke Stairlifts team Bespoke Stairlifts


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Image of Bimsense Ltd Hull L-R Ian Yeo, CEO, Bimsense, Scott Pilgrim, Chief Product Officer, Bimsense, Nigel Hedly, Chairman, Bimsense, Tim Mutlow, Chief Technical Officer, Bimsense, Maurice Disasi, Mercia. Bimsense


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Bimsense team on steps Bimsense II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Bimsense team in office Bimsense III


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men standing on a platform with yellow railings. Biochemica


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Biorelate Team Biorelate


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men and a woman standing outside leaning against a wooden balcony. Biramis Management Partners

Greater Manchester

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four men in suits stood in a room with spikes on the wall showing some TV aerial equipment Blake UK


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men in office, man to the right wearing a blue jerkin and other man is bald with a ginger beard. Blue Wren


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Blueberry image Blueberry Therapeutics


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Man and woman outside to the left of Bmech equipment. BMECH


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Bottled Baking Bottled Baking Company


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Boxphish team Boxphish


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Woman in black and white jacket to the right and three men in suits. They are in a factory. BPI Auctions


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Bricks In Bloom Products Brick in Bloom


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Image of Brickworks Brickwork Services


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

5 men for Bubo.Al stood outside a grand white building Bubo.AI


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The Bubo team - Huseyin Seker Marcin Lisowski Alan Timothy Furkan Tektas Bubo.AI II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Large group of people in a trendy office. A few people have their arms up in the air and are looking excited. Buffalo 7


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Candy Hero Candy Hero


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Candy Hero Candy Hero II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Image of Card Industry Professionals Card Industry Professionals


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Zac Williams's photograph Careerpass Network


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Castings Technologies Castings Technology International


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Group of six people, two women dressed for an event and the men are all wearing smart suits apart from one ginger haired man who is dressed casually. Celebrating one year of NPIF video

Northern Powerhouse Region

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

3 men and a woman from Cenergist stood on a bridge outside an office building Cenergist


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

3 men and a woman from Cenergist stood on a bridge outside an office building Cenergist ll


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Chris Williams seating next to table with painting behind him Chatta


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A close up of a woman's modelling for ChloBo who is wearing a lace cardigan and necklaces ChloBo


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Lady holding an exhaust pipe, two men next to her in an industrial setting. Cobra Sports


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Group of four people in a office room standing in front of a wall with the Cocogreen logo. There is only one woman and she has blonde hair and is wearing a pink dress. There is an Asian man to the far right wearing a blue suit and a blue checked shirt. He is sitting on a desk surrounded by awards. Cocogreen


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Asian man sitting in room in front of lots of pictures. He is wearing a blue jacket and white and blue checked shirt. He is wearing glasses. Cocogreen – Video Case Study


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four men outside with a view of mountains and a lake behind them. Man at the far right is wearing glasses, has a black suit and white shirt, man next to him is wearing a navy suit and has grey hair and the man at the far left has a pink shirt and is wearing a navy jacket. Coeus Software


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Six people in an office, two men and a woman one side of a desk and two men and a woman other side of desk. Collabor8Online

Greater Manchester

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Five people in an office. Man in Connectus sweatshirt is standing next to Connectus poster. There is a woman wearing a maroon skirt and black top. Connectus Group


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A group of employees from Connectus standing in front of a Connectus branded pop up banner Connectus Group II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two ladies sitting one side of table and one man opposite side of table in large open plan office Consensus Workspace


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men inside office sitting at a desk with a laptop on the desk. CPP FM & Projects


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Cryoniss Cryoniss

Alderley Park

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

An elderly woman being shown something on a smartphone by a member of care staff wearing a face covering Cumbria View Care Services


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Image of D A Techs DA Techs (NW) Limited


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Five people in an office, three men sitting at a desk and two women standing up. Darnhall Limited


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Headshot of lady called Debbie Moore. She has long brown hair and is wearing a red top. Debbi Moore Designs Ltd – Video Case Study


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Hilary Watson (BEF), Jonathan Gilbert (Defib Machines) and Mark Wilcockson (BBB) Defib Machines


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Customised camper vans Denson Automotive


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The Digital Converters team Digital Converters


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Man and woman outside green industrial building. Woman wearing glasses and has dark shoulder length hair to the left of the man is wearing a white jacket and a light blue top. Digital Training Solutions

Greater Manchester

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four people wearing hard hats outside next to a truck. There is a woman in the group. Duttons Builders Merchants


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four men outside standing in front of a large crane. Eagle Platforms


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four men outside standing on a platform/crane. Two men are on one platform and another two men are on another platform and behind them there is a white truck. Eagle Platforms


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men sitting on a low leather sofa in an office. Man to the far right is wearing a dark blue suit, white shirt and is clasping his hands together, man in the middle is wearing glasses and is wearing a light blue shirt and man at the far left is wearing a light blue jacket and dark trousers. ebb3 Limited

Alderley Park

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Peter Elliott outside Special Alloys ECF Special Alloys


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Shaun Nugent and Adrian Bell of Electrical Mechanical & Cooling and Keith Charlton of FW Capital Electrical Mechanical & Cooling


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four people in an office standing in front of a brick wall. There is one bearded man sitting in a chair next to desk and the other men are standing. Elements Technology Platforms


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men standing in front of a green wall with white writing stating Liverpool Science Park. Man to the left has glasses andis wearing a dark blue suit and man to the right is wearing a maroon jumper and blue trousers. Elephant Digital Ltd


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Young lady with long dark hair sitting to the right and bearded man to the left wearing a brown jumper. They are both sitting next to a table outside with two watches in boxes placed on a table. Ellington Timepiece 


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men standing behind building with Elmtronics signage. Man to the left is standing next to an electric charging post for vehicles is wearing a blue suit and white open necked shirt. He has a beard and dark hair. The man to the right has grey hair and is wearing a grey suit. Elmtronics


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Man standing inside an empty warehouse wearing a blue suit and red spotted tie. ENEX – Video Case Study

Port Clarance

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

3 men and a woman from ENEX Group stood in a dark room showing their mechanical safety equipment ENEX Group


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Man with dark hair a glasses holding a microphone standing in front of brick wall with pictures. EPIC Risk Management

Appley Bridge

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

3 men sat stood around a pool table eSalesHub


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Eventum Ortho pic showing Mike Chipp, John Naybour-Tom-Kitchen-Paul-Atherton.jpg Eventum Orthopaedics


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

2 men and a woman stood outside with some trees in the background Everflow Group


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

2 men and a woman stood outside with some trees in the background Everflow Group II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Everflow Water Everflow Video Case Study


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three people standing outside an office. Behind them are steps. To the far right there is a blonde haired woman wearing a blue suit and white top, in the middle there is a bearded man wearing a black sweat top and to the left there is a man in blue suit and a blue tie. Evolve Military College


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Exciting Instruments Exciting Instruments


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A group of employees from Fast Form stood in a warehouse smiling Fast-Form


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

FBW Engineering team FBW Engineering Services


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men standing together with arms around each others backs. They are standing in front of a poster. Fire Safety Managers


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men in an office standing next to wooden pillars. Fit Cloud


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Flabba Colin Rhodes speaking Flabba


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

FlyNotes ipad Flynotes


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The Foilco team Foilco


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men and one woman standing on a ramp leading to the entrance of Force 24 office building. The woman is positioned to the far right and she is wearing a black v necked top and has a silver necklace on show. There is a bearded man directly behind her and he is wearing a black sweater and blue jeans. There a man to the far left of the bearded man and he is wearing a blue jumper and blue casual trousers. The remaining man is wearing a blue suit, blue shirt and a stripey blue, white and maroon tie. He has grey hair. Force24


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men in an office. One man standing behind a workstation with Force24 written on it. Force24’s


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Fowler Holden Factory Fowler & Holden


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Fowler and Holden Grimsby Fowler & Holden Ltd


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The Frank Olsen team with Sue Barnard Frank Olsen Furniture


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

2 women from Fresh Perspective Resourcing sat in front of a brick wall smiling Fresh Perspective Resourcing


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A man and woman smiling and stood in front of a Frontier Modular Services van Frontier Modular


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four men standing together in front of G20 signage on wall. G20 Water Technologies


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

G20 Lab G2O Water Technologies II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

G20 Lab G2O Water Technologies III


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

4 men and a woman stood in an office with desks and chairs behind them Gemini Digital Technologies


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

General Trade Maintenance Limited General Trade Maintenance Limited

Liverpool City Region

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A headshot of Russell Dalton the founder of Genius Group Limited Genius Group Limited


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Employees from Get Work standing on a balcony overlooking a town Get Work

Lytham St Annes

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four men standing in front of GI UK Medical point of sale. Man to right wearing blue jacket, black trousers, white shirt and has glasses on and man to the left hand end is wearing jeans, brown checked jacket GI UK Medical


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Representatives from Ginger and FW Capital Ginger


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Marcel Duffy, managing director of Auction House, and FW Capital senior investment executive Loz O’Connor Global Auctioneers


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men standing in front of glass window. Man to the left wearing blue shirt and pinstripped jacket and man to the right wearing blue jacket, navy/black jumper and blue checked shirt. Gluu


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

3 men and a woman from GNE Contracting Limited stood outside in front of a lorry and a van GNE Contracting


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Bear in the winter gardens Good With Devices


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Outside the Go Simple Tax office GoSimpleTax


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men and one blonde haired woman in a factory standing near machinery. Goyt Kitchen Fabrications 


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

M Vahid Nagori, Founder and CEO at Green Bell Packaging Limited Green Bell Packaging


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

4 men in suits stood in a car park with 2 GW Power Safe vans GW Power-Safe


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four men outside GW Power Safe building. They are standing near a branded van. GW Power-Safe


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men standing outside wearing Hi Vis in front of Halcyon Tankers and a woman and man wearing casual clothing in front of the truck. Halcyon Tankers


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Hambleton Steel Hambleton Steel


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

2 men stood in an office space with a meeting room in the background Healum


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

HebTroCo HebTroCo

Hebden Bridge

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men standing in an industrial environment. Man to the far left has her hand on an industrial disc and is wearing a blue suit and a light blue shirt and the man to the right is wearing a blue jacket, white and blue stripey shirt and has dark hair and is wearing glasses. Hempel Firmus Metals


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Joe Gaunt, hero Hero Wellbeing


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Highfield Gears Highfield Gears


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Young man sitting in front of a desk with his hands clasped together on the desk. Hiring Hub – Video Case Study


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Exterior of Holmesterne Food building with the logo on the front Holmesterne Farm Co Limited 


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two seated men in front of a poster of food against a yellow wall. There are two red folders on the desk. Man to the far right has dark hair and a white and blue stripey shirt. Holmesterne Foods


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four people standing in front of a black painted wooden wall and brickwork. Man to the far right has grey hair and is wearing a blue suit with a white shirt, man next to him is holding a laptop and there is one woman to the far left with long dark hair wearing a grey jacket. Horizon Guides


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Paul Goodall and Martin Wilson from Huey Group Huey Group


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men wearing catering white clothing and one woman also wearing catering white clothing. One man and woman are holding a container full of bread. Hughes Bakers


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Boxes and bottles of beer Hull Boxes & Packaging


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Picture of Hulleys Bus Hulleys of Baslow


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The iAM team iAM Compliant Limited


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Ideiio Ideiio


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

2 men and a woman stood in a meeting room with IMH Driving Hydraulic Systems pop up banners in the background IMH


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

James Marsden from Impulse Impulse Decisions


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three people seated on a red stool, lady in the middle, man at the right hand end wearing a blue shirt and wearing glasses and man at the left hand end wearing green shirt and blue trousers, two men behind them. One man behind them wearing blue jacket and white shirt and other man to the right wearing a suit with a tie. IN-PART


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Representatives from incuto, left to right - Jen-Anderson-Andrew-Rabbitt-Steve-Lockwood-Tom-Kitchen-Paul-Smith incuto 


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A woman wearing flowery jacket and man wearing checked shirt in an office. Inleaf – Video Case Study

Buckshaw Village

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Innovate FM team innovatefm


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men standing in factory. Man to far left is leaning against Inovus Medical branded wall. Inovus Medical

St Helens

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

2 men from smiling and looking at each other in front of an Inovus Medical branded wall Inovus Medical ll

St Helens

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Simon Howitt inTEC


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four black suited men and one man to the far right wearing checked shirt and jeans in an office. Intechnica


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Intechnica Intechnica II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

IBG team Intelligent Building Group


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men sitting on a bench Intelligent Delivery Operations Group


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Intelligent Servers staff members Intelligent Servers


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Pool looking at entrance Interefurb Limited


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Five people standing in clinical environment, man and women in the front wearing white shirts and three men at the back. Man at the back wearing a suit resting his hand on a medical brief case. IP&C Solutions


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Woman to the left of man working in a laboratory IP&C Solutions


Northern Powerhouse Investement Fund

3 men from iPEGS talking in a meeting room with an iPEGS pop up banner in the background iPEGS

Cheshire and Warrington

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Man in suit in front of ITS Technology Group branding on the wall. ITS Technology Group


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Jackson Stapleton Office Jackson Stapleton


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

One lady named Annette Heath is sitting behind a desk with short blonde curly hair. She is wearing a khaki dress and there is a remembrance poppy attached to the dress. Behind her the wall is painted in three sections, blue, lime green and pale green. She is Managing Director of JD Training. JD Training Solutions – Video Case Study


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four people in a line looking at a man welding wearing a head protection. The four people include one woman with glasses wearing a pink and black patterned dress. She is standing to the right of a man wearing a suit and blue tie. JH Mechanical Services


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four people in a line looking at a man welding wearing a head protection. The four people include one woman with glasses wearing a pink and black patterned dress. She is standing to the right of a man wearing a suit and blue tie. JH Mechanical Services II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Business woman in a red dress standing in front of four business men. They are outside standing near a brick wall with signage for Cleveland Fire Brigade. JH Mechanical Services ll


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

One woman to the far right with long curly brown hair wearing a white shirt holding a brochure, bearded man in the middle with grey patterned tie and man to the far light wearing a black suit and white shirt holdig a brochure. Judgeservice Research


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

JuiceEBitz based in Filey JuicEBitz Audio Visual


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men and two women inside a factory. Man to the far light is wearing glasses and is bald. He is wearing a blue suit and has a blue patterned tie and man to far right has black trousers, dark grey jacket and black tie. The woman next to the man with a black tie is wearing a black and white spotted dress. JuicEBitz Audio Visual Ltd


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Just Access JUST: Access


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

KASL Engineering Group KASL Engineering Group


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

KBF Enterprises in front of sign KBF Enterprises


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The Konektio team Konektio


3 men and a woman stood in a small meeting room with The KRL Group sign on the wall in the background KRL Group


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

4 men stood outside of the AJ Bell Stadium with a KTSL pop up banner in the background KTSL


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men in an industrial unit. Grey haired man to the far left is wearing a black suit, dark grey shirt and navy tie and the other man has dark hair, grey trousers and light blue shirt. Labfacility


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Five men in Hi Vis standing outside in front of a green large truck. Lancashire Waste Recycling


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Sue Chambers and Leaf One Leaf One


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four men sitting in grey chairs in an office in front of bookshelves. Libertine


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four suited men standing in front of bookshelves. Libertine


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Dr Miriam Silver, Director of LifePsychol LifePsychol


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Representatives from Linco Linco Automotive Limited


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Little Journey - Sceen Little Journey


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A group featuring members of NPIF, Humber LEP & Growth Hub and British Business Bank LiveLead


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A close up of test tubes one of which holds a green liquid Liverpool ChiroChem


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Liverpool ChiroChem scientists Liverpool Chirochem II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Lyric Jain, CEO of Logically Logically


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Woman from London Lash sat on a box showing her lash products London Lash Pro


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four people around a desk. Man to the far right is wearing a black suit is standing, next to him is a seated man with his hand holding some equipment. There is a blond haired woman also holding the equipment. To the far left is man standing wearing glasses and a black tie. Loxta Hardware


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A Laboratory similar to Lumac LUNAC Therapeutics


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The Luto team Luto


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Richard Blanchard CEO of Margin Guardian Margin Guardian


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Five people standing in front of Marine Rescue Technologies poster in an office. Man to the far left is bald and is wearing a blue shirt with a white shirt and dark navy tie, woman to the left of him is wearing a black dress. The remaining people are men. There is one man directly behind the woman wearing a black jacket and has a black tie and a man to the far left leaning against the Marine Rescue Technologies poster wearing a navy suit with a light blue shirt. Marine Rescue Technologies Ltd


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Marmion team in the office Marmion


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Marriott Drilling Marriott Drilling Group


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Siobhan McArdle (Tees Valley LEP), Jonathan Neal (MPI), Joanne Whitfield (FW Capital), Ken Cooper (British Business Bank) Materials Processing Institute


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men outside office building. One man in the middle of the group has a grey suit on. Medication Management Robotics


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men standing in front of desk. The desk has Melo branding on it and the wall behind them has Melo signage on it. Melo World


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Jack Malin, CEO at Membr Membr


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

One man wearing a red jumper, woman wearing a brown suit and man with navy blue suit standing in front of MG Lites signage. MG Lites Energy Saving Solutions


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Man with glasses in a laboratory. Microbiosensor – Video Case Study


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four men wearing laboratory coats. Micropore


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Woman sewing some material and man wearing suit watching her. Midwater Luggage


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Mindtech Chameleon Mindtech Global


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The Moneyshake team Moneyshake


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Five people standing outside. There is one woman who has her right hand on a hand rail. She is wearing a white and blue stripped jacket and a blue and white dress. The man directly behind her has grey hair and is wearing a blue shirt and there is a grey haired man wearing glasses with his hand on the handrail wearing a blue and white stripped shirt, black trousers Moodbeam


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

hristina Colmer McHugh and Jonathan Elvidge of Moodbeam Moodbeam II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Man and woman shaking hands in front of two Scania trucks. Truck to the far right is dark blue and the other one is white. Motrans


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

MPM Consumer Products MPM Consumer Products


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Seven people in an office standing and sitting around a table. Man to the far right is standing up wearing a black jumper, there are three people seated. The lady to the far left seated has long brown hair, next to her in the middle is an Asian man wearing a light blue shirt and to the right of him is a woman with mid length blond hair. My Digital Accounts


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men standing outside My Fish Company building. One man is wearing a tee shirt and the other one is wearing a suit. My Fish


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Red Button Marketing My Marketing Button


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Seven men and one woman wearing Hi Vis in a factory. Newfield Fabrications Limited

Cheshire and Warrington

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Next Level Security team Next Level Security Services


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Nineteen Agency staff with Rivers Nineteen Agency


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

James Rosthorn Nivo


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Employees from Node Technologies stood on a large balcony overlooking the city of Manchester Node Technologies


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two woman and two men in a building. One man and woman is standing within a piece of yellow metal equipment. Nordic Products & Services


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The Northern Health team Northern Healthcare


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

6 men in Hi Vis jackets and hard hats stood in a biomass facility Nova Pangaea Technologies


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

3 men in Hi Vis jackets and hard hats stood inside a biofuel plant Nova Pangaea Technologies ll


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Picture of 4 segments - top right shows three men in an office, top left shows 3 men in an office with one holding a tablet, bottom right shows group of five people in an office with lots of greenery and bottom left shows three people and one woman in an office. NPIF – One Year Anniversary Video

Northern Powerhouse Region

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Nutry Nuts Nutry Nuts


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A man from Offers 365 stood in a event next to an igb affiliate London banner Offers365


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Group of six men in an office, four men wearing formal suits and other two dressed casually. Optimus Vitrum


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Gareth Dodd, chief technology office at OMS, holding a tablet whose display shows the company's software product Outsource Management Services


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Oxton Civil Solutions Oxton Civil Solutions


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Melanie Archboould from Palamatic Palamatic


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Pet Supplies Warehouse Man and Dog Pet Supplies Warehouse


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men wearing black suits and a woman wearing white shirt and black trousers standing in a room with Phusion Information Management point of sale. Phusion


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Alex Willard Pivigo


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four men and a woman holding large plastic canisters of product in an office. Power Body Nutrition


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Practically Family Group Practically Family


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men standing in front of screen showing Present Works on the screen. Man to the far left is wearing a black suit with a white shirt, man in the middle has a beard and is wearing a black jumper and black trousers and man at the far left has grey hair and is wearing a blue suit, a checked shirt and blue tie. Present Works


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Press On Vinyl Press On Vinyl


Two men outside standing next to ProGen van. ProGen


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Progress JJ image Progress Jiu Jitsu


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Project Heating Solutions Project Heating Solutions


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Image of PHS Project heating solutions logo Project Heating Solutions Limited


Northern Powerhouse Investement Fund

Three men standing around an office table. Two men are behind the table and the one to the far right is bald and has glasses. He is waring a light blue shirt and has a potted plant to the right of him. The other man behind the table is holding a brochure and is wearing a black jacket and light blue shirt. The remaining man is to the front of the table and is beared. He is wearing a pair of casual pair of blue trousers and a blue and white striped shirt. Project:ff&e


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Image of Protective Film Solutions Protective Film Solutions


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Pure Pet Food Mathew Daniel with spaniel Pure Pet Food


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Pure Care Image PureCare


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men and one woman in an office. Woman has dark long hair and grey jacket. PureClarity


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Young man sitting behind a colourful wall is wearing a mustard yellow jacket and a beige sweat shirt. He has blue eyes. He is named James Mulvany and is the founder of Radio.Co – Video Case Study


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The Raithwaite team Raithwaite Sandsend


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Business owners featured with van Ram Services


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men in an office sitting behind a desk with a bright blue and white patterned wall behind a grey haired man. Razorblue


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Blond haired lady on a table surrounded by her point of sale and products. She is wearing a black tee shirt and jeans and to the right of her is a young man wearing a black tee shirt and black trousers. Real Handful


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Blond haired lady on a table surrounded by her point of sale and products. She is wearing a black tee shirt and jeans and to the right of her is a young man wearing a black tee shirt and black trousers. Real Handful ll


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Group of people standing on a platform in an industrial setting. They are all wearing either black or black and white outfits. Reax


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund



Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Man standing in the middle of two pieces of industrial equipment. Red Security Solutions


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A cartoon dog, cat and rabbit in superhero clothing from the film StarDog and TurboCat Red Star 3D


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Lorna Davidson, the founder of Redwigwam leaning against a wall smiling Redwigwam

Liverpool City Region

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men outside holding onto a rail. Man to far right is wearing glasses and grey suit and man to far left has a blue jacket. Relative Insight


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A screenshot of the CEO of Relative Insight talking about NPIF Relative Insight – Case Study Video


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Richard Roberts and Alexandra Richard Roberts


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Image of Risk Smart RiskSmart


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Team from River Business Services River Business Services


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

3 bottles of Two Swallows spiced rum Rockstar Spirits


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Rockstar Products Rockstar Spirits II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men outside surrounded by scaffolding. Rose Scaffolding


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

One man to the left wearing a beige suit, woman in the middle wearing black jacket and man to the left wearing a black suit outside Rosehill Polymers factory. Rosehill Polymers Group

Sowerby Bridge

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Orlando Agrippa CEO & Founder of RWHealth RwHealth


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Attractive lady with dark hair up, has brown eyes and is wearing dusty pink chiffon shirt and has a necklace on show. Sales Bond


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Women facing a computer screen wearing a brown leopard print wraparound dress with POS material behind her. There is a brown and white mug on the desk to the right of the woman. Sales Bond – Video Case Study


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Salesfire directors Salesfire


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Matthew Bray SatSense SatSense


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men in a clothing factory, man in the middle holding up a blue sweat shirt with a red logo, bearded man to the right hand side wearing a blue sweat shirt and man at the left hand end wearing a blue suit with a red tie has grey hair. School Trends


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Image of Selfsure SelfSure


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A man and woman stood outside of the Senate House door Senate Training


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

View from height of the factory floor at Shackletons furniture manufacturers, showing workers and machinery Shackletons


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men in an office. Man to the right has a beard and is wearing casual clothes and the other man is wearing a suit. Simul Software


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Sitehop front Melissa Chambers, Ben Harper, back Will Clark, Sean Hutchinson Dan Thomas Sitehop


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Ski Lifts Team Ski-Lifts


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Large group of people in an office. There are two purple pouffes in the scene. Ski-Lifts Limited


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A group of Skin Tonic skincare products Skin & Tonic


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Group of seven people standing on the bottom of the office stairs. The photograph is taken looking down at the people face on. There is one woman in the group and she is at the bottom of the stairs. She is wearing a maroon cardigan and a black jumper. The man to the far right of her has glasses and is wearing a black jacket and grey shirt. The man to the far left of her is Asian and is wearing glasses. The man at the highest point of the stairs is wearing a black sweat shirt and dark blue jeans. Slingshot Simulations


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Group of seven people standing on the bottom of the office stairs. The photograph is taken looking down at the people face on. There is one woman in the group and she is at the bottom of the stairs. She is wearing a maroon cardigan and a black jumper. The man to the far right of her has glasses and is wearing a black jacket and grey shirt. The man to the far left of her is Asian and is wearing glasses. The man at the highest point of the stairs is wearing a black sweat shirt and dark blue jeans. Slingshot Simulations II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The Slingshot team Slingshot Simulations III


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Slingshot image Slingshot Simulations IIII


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Smartflow Couplings team Smartflow Couplings


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Soccer Manager image Soccer Manager


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

2 men smiling and stood in front of a Sock Monkey branded wall SockMonkey Studios


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

SockMonkey Team SockMonkey Studios II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Richard-Gascoigne from Solutionpath Solutionpath


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The Specialist Technical team Specialist Technical Products


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A man and a woman sat at an office desk laughing Spectrum Cleaning Solutions


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Stables Pies Stable’s Pies


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

STEPS - Image of patient STEPS


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Sterling Meats Sterling Meat Company


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

2 men and a women sat in the reception of Stockport Village Nursery Stockport Village Nursery


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Stone UK people Stone UK


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Florisoft team Strelitzia


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Mono image of two men in office environment. Man to left working on laptop. Summize


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Tom Dunlop, founder and CEO at Summize Summize II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Mono image of two men in office environment. Man to left working on laptop. Summize III


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Surge Marketing graphic Surge Marketing Solutions


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The Talion team Talion


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Taplanes Factory Taplanes


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four men on an external balcony. There is a man to far left with grey hair and glasses wearing a grey suit and a blue and white checked shirt perched on a wooden chair. There is another man at the fron wearing a white check and blue jeans sitting on a wooden chair and behind him there is a bearded man wearing a blue suit. Tevalis


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Man and woman sitting next to each other behind a desk surrounded by products. The Branded Items Group

St Helens

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two Men outside Developer Academy The Developer Academy


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men sitting in an office and one bearded man with black suit standing. They are in an office with TL Studio on a TV screen behind them. The Immersive Learning Studio

Liverpool City Region

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Man to the far right sitting a yellow leather couch wearing a dark suit, next to him in the middle is a lady and another man on a couch. The Link App


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Hole in the wand The Potions Cauldron


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The Recruitment Crowd The Recruitment Crowd


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

The Rehab Physio team The Rehab Physio


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Ken Cooper, Managing Director - Venture Solutions at British Business Bank, Maria Ramsdale, investment executive at FW Capital, James Houlston, Managing Director at BH Group, Jo Lappin, chief executive at Cumbria LEP and Dr Steve Curl, private equity specialist at Cumbria LEP and NPIF Strategic Oversight Board member. The Swan Hotel

Newby Bridge

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

ed Harrison Yorkshire Pudding Pie Company The Yorkshire Pudding Pie Company


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Five men inside a factory, they are all wearing protective glasses. Man to the far right is wearing a dark grey suit and a purple shirt and man to the far left has his hand on a rectangular piece of metal. Tinsley Bridge


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Tinsley-Bridge-Andy-Tyas-Mark-Webber-Grant-Peggie-Pete-Sorsby Tinsley Bridge II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men and a woman standing in front a picture of the world map and four clocks. Titus Learning


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

TMC team TMC Strategic Communications


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men and two women in a factory standing next to lots of cardboard boxes. Man to the far right is bald and has a beard, he is wearing a navy blue suit and white shirt, he is standing next to a lady wearing a dusty pink jumper, the next lady has dark skin and is wearing a black jacket and grey top and finally to far left there is a man wearing a black suit and white shirt. Total Racking Solutions


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three people outside, woman to the far right has blond hair and is wearing glasses. She is wearing a black suit and has a large necklace on, man in the middle has long dark hair in a pony tail and a beard. The woman on the far left has long dark hair and is wearing a black jacket and black and white checked trousers. Tough Tech


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Tough Tech image Tough Tech II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Representatives from Sheffield based Tribosonics and NPIF - Mercia Equity Finance Tribosonics


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Tribosonics team Tribosonics II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Mark Hughes from Tutorful Tutorful


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Tyme Online TymeOnline


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Team at Virtue Bespoke Lodges Virtue Bespoke Lodges


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Elizabeth Ward, Founder and Principal of Virtuoso Legal Virtuoso Legal


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Gerry Arcari, Vivid Creative Managing Director Vivid Creative


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

4 men and a woman sat in a meeting room with Wenso IT Solutions and Services TV Screen and pop up banner Wenso


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Representatives from Wess Tyres Wess Tyre Traders Limited


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three men in an office sitting behind a wooden desk. There is picture of their office branding directly behind them stating Westlinks. The man to the far right has his right hand on the table and is wearing glasses. He has a round face and is wearing a blue tie and a grey suit. The man in the middle has steel grey hair and is wearing a grey suit, pink suit and purple tie and the man to the far left is wearing a navy blue suit and light blue shirt. Westlinks Joiners and Locksmiths


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

WilsonCooke WilsonCooke


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Representatives from Wilton Engineering, Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen and representative from NPIF - FW Capital at Wilton's Tees Valley site. Wilton Engineering Services Ltd 


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Two men in an office. Man to the right is wearing a blue suit and has his left hand holding a Tablet and the man opposite him is wearing a black jacket and blue jeans. Wireless Social


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four people standing in a brewery. There is one woman in the group. They are all holding a bottle of beer apart from a man wearing a navy jacket and blue shirt to the far right. Wold Top Brewery


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Four people standing behind a car. The car is branded Workforce People Solutions and it is Volkswagen SUV. There is one woman in the group. She has blonde hair and is wearing a black jacket and a white shirt and to the left of her is a man wearing a blue suit and glasses. At the far left there is a tall man wearing a blue suit and pale blue shirt. Workforce


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Simon Hayton, CEO at Workforce Workforce II


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Man and woman outside XCellR8


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

XR Games - Bobby Thandi XR Games


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Three people in a design studio standing behind a white desk. There is a woman in the middle of the group with blonde hair wearing a black and white striped jumper. The man to the right is wearing a light blue shirt, has a red stripey tie and has grey hair and glasses. The remaining man is wearing a pink shirt and has his hands on the table. Yellow Label Designs Ltd


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Yimba Image Yimba


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Aerial image of an industrial park called Alderley Park. There is an ornamental lake in front of the industrial park. YProtech

Alderley Science Park

Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

John Ridd YR Free YR Free


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

Zikodrive team in Halifax Zikodrive


Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund

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