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Back to News Six people standing in an office. There is a pregnant lady in the middle of the shot with long blonde hair wearing a blue flowery dress and a beige jacket. The additional woman is wearing a white and blue spotted shirt and navy blue skirt. The man at the right hand end is wearing a blue suite and a white shirt and the man at the left hand end is wearing a grey suit and a navy blue jumper.

Image caption: MC2 - NPIF Breakfast Seminar - Blackburn. 22 Jan 2020. The Panel - left to right, Michael Ribbeck, Sue Barnard, Senior Loan Manager at British Business Bank. Martin Leeming, CEO of TrakRap. Dr Samantha Westgate,CEO at Perfectus Biomed. Amin Vepari, Business Finance and Scale Up Lead at Lancashire County Council. Grant Peggie, Director British Business Bank. ©Victor De Jesus/UNP 0845 600 7737

5th February 2020

NPIF Breakfast Seminar – Unlocking Lancashire’s Potential


Lancashire LEPNorthern Powerhouse Investment Fund

A panel of business experts spoke about the advantages of doing business in Lancashire at a special event held in Blackburn.

The panel discussion, held in partnership with the BusinessDesk was held at the home of Blackburn Rovers and attended by around 80 guests.

The audience at the event, titled Unlocking Lancashire’s Potential, heard from business leaders and professionals from across the North West.

The event is part of a series of seminars taking place across the North of the country.

Those taking part in the discussion were:
Grant Peggie – British Business Bank
Sue Barnard – British Business Bank
Dr Sam Westgate – Perfectus Biomed Limited
Martin Leeming – TrakRap
Amin Vepari – Lancashire County Council

First to speak at the event was Amin Vepari.

He said: “What we have as a county is incredible, there are some amazing things taking place here. To start with Lancashire has got the fourth largest aerospace cluster in the world.

“Some of the challenges around Lancashire are a myth, we are a very diverse county and we do not rely on one city as an epicentre of the economy.

“We have a diverse economy which is constantly evolving. We have a thriving rural economy and Lancashire’s universities now produce the highest number of STEM graduates in the whole of the UK.

“We have got some phenomenal credentials in the county that far outweigh the challenges and hurdles.”

Martin Leeming said: “Geography makes a huge difference to a business. In terms of location it is about customers, it is about suppliers and it is about a source of talent to keep the business going.

“Lancashire is as good as anywhere in the country and I don’t really see any challenges about being based in the county.

The Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund project is supported financially by the European Union using funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020 and the European Investment Bank.

Editors Notes

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